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Term Limits

Steven Hendricks

Author: Vince Flynn

“Term Limits” by Vince Flynn is about the efforts of a freshman congressman named Michael O'Rourke who wants to return the government of the US from career politicians to the people.

This is not a Mitch Rapp novel but was Flynn’s very first book. The novel introduces several characters that appear in later novels in the Mitch Rapp series. Most important is Dr. Irene Kennedy, a counter terrorism expert with the CIA (and later CIA Director). Kennedy is the only character to appear in all of Vince Flynn's novels. Other characters in Term Limits that reappear in some of the Rapp series novels are former-Navy Seal Scott Coleman, CIA Director Thomas Stanfield, and FBI agent Skip McMahon.

Term Limits is an ‘excellent’ political thriller that all thriller readers should read. It not only captures Flynn’s quality literary skills, but solidifies way his novels are the inspirational standard of the thriller genre.

Probably one of my most multi-read books in my thriller collection. It’s that good! Vince Flynn was ‘The Man’…!


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